Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Lifespan Analysis Services
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Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Lifespan Analysis Services

Zebrafish (Danio rerio) have emerged as a powerful model organism in the field of aging research due to their short lifespan, high reproductive rate, and genetic tractability. The age of zebrafish is typically recorded as "days post-fertilization" (dpf), which refers to the time after fertilization of the egg. Immature zebrafish hatch from the egg approximately 3-4 days after fertilization. Zebrafish reach sexual maturity at approximately 3 months of age when reared at a temperature of 28.5°C. For other fish species, hatching or birth has been used as the starting point.

Life-cycle of zebrafish. Sizes and ages are qualitative.Fig. 1 Life-cycle of zebrafish. (Augustine S, 2012)

At CD BioSciences, we pride ourselves on our expertise in providing comprehensive zebrafish lifespan analysis services from egg collection, offering our clients valuable tools to investigate the mechanisms of aging and develop potential pharmaceutical interventions.

How Do We Analyze the Zebrafish Lifespan?

CD BioSciences employs a systematic approach to analyze zebrafish lifespan, ensuring the data are accurate and informative.

Egg collection and fertilization

Our services begin with the careful collection and fertilization of zebrafish eggs to ensure high standards of quality and developmental integrity. We meticulously examine each batch of eggs to ensure that they are healthy and developing normally, laying the groundwork for a successful lifespan study.

Monitoring the zebrafish lifecycle

Our team of experts meticulously monitors the embryonic and larval stages, recording key milestones and documenting any abnormalities or developmental delays. As the zebrafish transition to the juvenile and adult stages, we closely observe their behavior, feeding, and growth rate, recording any changes or signs of aging.

Data collection and analysis

Throughout the entire lifespan study, our researchers collect data, recording the developmental stages, growth, and lifespan of the zebrafish. We then employ data analysis techniques to help clients identify average lifespan, variations within the population, and potential factors that may influence longevity.

Analysis of Factors Influencing Zebrafish Lifespan

We also help clients dive deep into the multitude of factors that can influence zebrafish lifespan, enabling our clients to gain a comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanisms.

Analysis of genetic factors

Leveraging advanced genomic techniques, our team of experts helps clients identify and analyze the specific genetic variants, pathways, and regulatory networks that contribute to variations in lifespan. Our services are invaluable for understanding the heritability of longevity and the potential for genetic interventions to modulate lifespan.

Analysis of environmental factors

Our comprehensive analysis includes the examination of factors such as water quality, temperature, pH, and exposure to various pollutants or toxins. By simulating a wide range of environmental conditions, we can identify the critical thresholds and tipping points that influence zebrafish longevity.

Analysis of pharmacological interventions

We also specialize in analyzing the effects of pharmacological interventions on longevity. Our team of experts can design and conduct comprehensive studies to evaluate the effects of various drug candidates on zebrafish lifespan.

CD BioSciences offers zebrafish lifespan analysis services, enabling our clients to investigate the complex biology of aging. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us or make an online inquiry.


  1. Augustine S. Metabolic programming of zebrafish, Danio rerio, uncovered; physiological performance as explained by Dynamic Energy Budget theory and life cycle consequences of uranium-induced perturbations. 2012.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.