Customization of Fukomys Mole-Rat Models With Extended Longevity
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Customization of Fukomys Mole-Rat Models With Extended Longevity

Traditionally, the main mammalian models used in aging research have been mice and rats, i.e. short-lived species that lack effective maintenance mechanisms to keep their soma in a functional state for prolonged periods. It is doubtful that life-extending mechanisms identified in such short-lived species adequately reflect the diversity of longevity pathways that have naturally evolved in mammals, or that they have much relevance for long-lived species such as humans. Therefore, some long-lived mammals have been introduced to aging research, particularly mole rats. Fukomys mole-rats are rodent species living in large underground colonies. They rarely develop cancer, remain healthy into old age, and live long.

Different aging paces in F. mechowii due to different breeding status.Fig. 1 Different aging paces in F. mechowii due to different breeding status. (Dammann P, et al., 2011)

Leveraging our deep understanding of the unique biological traits of Fukomys mole-rats, CD BioSciences offers specialized customization services that enable researchers to fully exploit the potential of Fukomys mole-rats in longevity research.

Customization Options for Fukomys Mole-Rat Models

Fukomys mole-rat species selection

CD BioSciences maintains a comprehensive collection of the most relevant Fukomys mole-rat species for longevity research, including Mechow's mole-rats (F.mechowii) and Ansell's mole-rat (F. anselli). Our expert biologists carefully select the appropriate model organism based on the specific research objectives, ensuring that our clients have access to the most suitable species for their investigations.

Age-related phenotyping analysis services

Conducting in-depth phenotypic analyses of elderly mole rats is crucial for uncovering the mechanisms underlying their exceptional longevity. At CD BioSciences, we offer a suite of advanced age-related phenotyping services, including comprehensive lifespan and healthspan assessments, detailed behavioral and cognitive testing including breeding status determination, imaging analysis to monitor age-associated structural and functional changes of tissues and organs, and physiological monitoring (e.g., cardiovascular, metabolic, endocrine) to track the progression of age-related disorders.

To complement in vivo studies, we perform analysis services using culturing tissue and cells tailored to the Fukomys mole-rats. Our experienced team can isolate and maintain primary cell lines from various organs, including the skin, muscle, and brain, enabling clients to investigate regenerative capacity, and other age-related phenomena in a controlled, ex vivo setting.

Genomic Analysis Services of Fukomys Mole-Rat Models

Unraveling the complex genomic secrets responsible for the exceptional longevity of Fukomys mole-rats is a key focus of our research efforts at CD BioSciences. Our sequencing platforms and bioinformatics capabilities allow us to conduct in-depth analyses of age-associated changes in gene expression, DNA methylation, and chromatin organization. Our services can identify key regulatory pathways and molecular signatures that contribute to the extended lifespan, such as insulin signaling. We also help clients conduct genome-wide comparative analyses of lifespan extensions with sequence changes in genes related to mitonuclear balance, protein synthesis, autophagy, inflammation as well as resistance to hypoxia, cytotoxins, and cancer.

CD BioSciences offers a suite of customized services designed to harness the unique biology of Fukomys mole-rats. Leveraging complete services, our clients can develop effective interventions to promote healthy aging and extend lifespan. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us or make an online inquiry.


  1. Dammann P, et al. Extended longevity of reproductives appears to be common in Fukomys mole-rats (Rodentia, Bathyergidae). PLoS One, 2011, 6 (4): e18757.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.